Accelerate the Cultivation of Top-notch Talents with Global Competence in the New Era

Accelerate the cultivation of top-notch talents with global competence in the new era
The New Youth Global Competency Talent Training Program Launches

  April 15, 2022, the China Education International Exchange Association officially launched the “New Youth Global Competency Talent Training Project” in a hybrid online and offline ceremony. The event featured speeches from leaders of the China Education International Exchange Association, project guidance experts, project implementation university leaders, representatives of lecturers. In addition, class teachers and student representatives of the “New Youth Class” contributed to the ceremony, marking the beginning of an initiative aimed at nurturing top-tier talent with global skills for the new era..



Yu Yougen, Deputy Secretary General of the China Education International Exchange Association, announced that the “New Youth Global Competency Talent Training Project” represents a significant initiative by the Association. Backed by thorough research and support from various universities and institutions, the project aims to align higher education talent development goals. It leverages the association’s platform to mobilize social resources, and accelerate the cultivation of more internationally competitive talents with patriotism, international perspective, and cross-cultural communication abilities in the new era.

Ma Yansheng, convener of the project expert guidance committee and former vice president of Beijing Foreign Studies University, congratulated the official opening of the “New Youth Class” in his keynote speech. He encouraged young students to root themselves in China, broaden their horizons, study dilligently, and assume responsibilities. In the context of the unprecedented great changes in a century, he emphasized cultivating themselves into versatile international talents with global competence and the ability to engage in global governance. At the opening ceremony, Vice President Yao Chuangxin of Southwest Jiaotong University and Executive Vice President Hu Wenping of Tianjin University delivered speeches on behalf of the implementing universities. They urged students to study hard, enhance their abilities, practice actively, and explore innovation. They highlighted that the “New Youth Global Competency Talent Training Program” launched by the China Education International Exchange Association features clear curriculum objectives, a reasonable system;diverse practical activities and is well-received by students., making an innovative achievement in university “second classroom” education. Dr. David G. Evans, a foreign expert in the project, a notable figure on the 2020 Beijing Role Model List, and one of the top ten science communication figures in the 2021 Dianzan 2020 Science Popularization China, shared his personal experience with his classmates about the importance of cross-cultural communication skills and encouraged everyone to actively spread Chinese wisdom and tell Chinese stories well. Professor Zhao Kejin, Vice Dean of the School of Social Sciences at Tsinghua University, spoke on behalf of the course lecturer. He stated that naming the project “New Youth” reflects the project’s sense of responsibility for the times, urging students to aim high, work hard, and actively participate in global governance in the future, and contribute to national development. Han Fei, the head of the office of the School of International Organizations at Renmin University of China, and Shen Yimin, a student representative of Xi’an University of Electronic Science and Technology, also delivered speeches at the opening ceremony of the “New Youth Class”. Dozens of universities participating in the project synchronously participated in the opening ceremony through video link. Yu Yougen, Deputy Secretary General of the China Education International Exchange Association, subsequently announced the official launch of the “New Youth Global Competency Talent Training Project”.



The New Youth Global Competency Talent Training Program, sponsored by the China Education International Exchange Association, targets university students in China. This initiative seeks to innovate talent cultivation models and cooperate with universities to accelerate the cultivation of high-level international talents. The program focuses on enhancing students’ global perspectives, international communication skills, and competitiveness on the global stage./.

The project combines courses and practical activities,with participation from more than 50 universities, including 35 “Double First-Class” institutions. Since its launch, the project has garnered support from many institutions, including the United Nations Development Programme, UNESCO, UNICEF, World Health Organization, World Trade Organization, United Nations Office for South South Cooperation, and other international organizations. Additionally, multinational corporations both domestically and internationally have supported the project, entriching its practical activities.Yin Kai, Executive Vice President of the China Education International Exchange and Training Institute, addressed the meeting and delivered the concluding speech.