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Staff Interview

Lu Jinlei

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Meet Weijiu

—Hello, I am Lu Jinlei

I am Lu Jinlei. Because I was born a little early, I became an Aries who strayed into the Pisces team. So sometimes I feel like a person with severe depression, staying at home to watch Douyin, chase dramas, read books, and may not want to step out of the house. But most of the time I prefer to pursue new things. I will have dinner with friends during breaks. I want to go swimming in summer and skiing in winter. When I am happy, I am like a chatterbox.

—Enter Weijiu
Recalling the coincidence in 2016, I joined Weijiu and my work content was called WEB development. The biggest problem I faced when I first entered the company was that the pictures presented by all mobile sites and web pages were not satisfactory and not very beautiful. There was no way to launch and promote them, and there was no page interaction. So after I entered the company, the most important work content was to adjust these pages. The so-called adjustment here is actually to re-make a more beautiful and smooth version of the PC and web pages, and then present them to the outside world. This is also one of my current work contents, constantly expanding and presenting better external display pages to everyone.

—Growing under pressure
In March, the teacher of the Human Resources Department found me and talked about the complexity of the current company system. He also had the idea of ​​making a new system, but he didn’t know whether it could be realized.
First of all, when there was an initial idea about this system, the company could think of me first and find me. For me, it was the company’s affirmation of my own value.
Secondly, within the scope of my ability, it will be a very fulfilling thing to make this system, use it, and really help everyone.
The construction of the whole system is a complex and huge project, and the content involved is very cumbersome. My job is to string together all the collected content, programs, and codes to achieve the complete use of the whole system. It was extremely challenging and stressful for me to complete such a job independently. After all, it was a construction process from 0-1, starting from the big architecture to the subsequent rounds of detailed communication and modification, which took three months in total. During this period, although there were constant bugs that needed to be fixed, and although I was also delving into research and development after work, when the first generation of OA system was delivered, looking back on this period, although it was busy, the fulfillment and sense of accomplishment in my heart were beyond words.

Wuhan Document Signature Xie Hongyan

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Xie Hongyan: Pursue my wish with my own strength

Q1: I learned that you were engaged in other industries before joining Weijiu. What coincidence made you cross over to the industry? How did you meet Weijiu Advantage?

A1: I joined Weijiu in December 2019, which was one month before the epidemic. My first job after graduation was to enter the translation industry. There is not much room for development in Wuhan, so after eight years, I decided to leave and choose another field. At this time, I learned that a colleague was doing post-doc work in the study abroad industry. It happened that Teacher Yu Manni left me a message on the recruitment software, saying that there was a position that was more suitable for me. I wanted to give it a try, and then I came over. I still remember that during the interview, Teacher Yu gave me a feeling of seriousness and hard work in my work, which made it difficult for me not to trust her. It may also be Teacher Yu who made me determined to choose the study abroad industry and join Weijiu.

Q2: During the epidemic, Wuhan’s overall performance was completed very beautifully. What do you think made such a result?

A2: I joined at the end of 2019. The epidemic broke out the following month. Wuhan was quite serious at that time. We worked from home until March. Regarding the completion of performance, I think it is based on the cohesion of the Wuhan team. Regarding cohesion, a large part of the reason is Teacher Yu. During that time, Teacher Yu’s leadership and management were very good. Even if we worked from home, we would not feel separated from the group. He has been mobilizing the enthusiasm of the teachers. Therefore, whether it is in the early or late stages, everyone is willing to trust Teacher Yu and follow Teacher Yu’s plan.
In addition, the office environment will also affect the completion of performance. Our team has always sat together, especially after moving to the Qunguang Center. The teachers in the early and late stages sat together. For example, sitting next to me are Teacher Tong and Teacher Rao. In front and behind me are Teacher Liu and Teacher Zhan, and opposite is Sicong. I think this is more conducive to communication. In the past, we sat farther away. When there was a problem, we had to walk to the workstation of the cooperating teacher to communicate with him. Now we can just stretch our necks. This way is very convenient for cooperation between the early and late stages, which is convenient and efficient. Therefore, I think Wuhan can achieve its performance goals during the epidemic, which is inseparable from the team’s cohesion and the convenience and efficiency of work.

Q3: According to the consultant, you are a zero-negative review teacher. Can you share how you usually cooperate with the early teachers?

A3: After working for so many years, I have indeed had many opportunities to cooperate with teachers. There is no so-called zero negative review. It’s just that the consultant trusts me more, and the students trust their consultants, so they will also choose to trust me. I think that serving a student well requires establishing such a relationship of mutual trust. When we trust each other, there will be no obstacles in our communication.
On the other hand, when the consultants who work with me find that there are problems in my communication with students, they will immediately explain to the students in private, so as not to cause any unnecessary troubles between us due to misunderstandings.
Finally, Weijiu’s early consultants are very professional and have more qualifications in the industry. They treat every student seriously and responsibly. I trust every consultant very much. Therefore, when they make some suggestions on student information, I will highly cooperate and implement them, which may also be the reason for the smooth combination.

Q4: The application season is coming soon. Can you share some of your usual work skills with everyone?

A4: We review the data every week. According to a rough statistics this year, I have about 90 cases. I remember that when I first joined the company, it was really hard to work, especially because I had no experience in the industry. I was fighting randomly. Later, I assigned some of the cases on hand to Teacher Liu Yuan, and I got some relief. Since then, I have also been slowly accumulating experience and exploring methods. Now, I have also summarized some ways that are more suitable for me to follow up with students.

The first is to face more special students, that is, you can’t find them at ordinary times, but occasionally they will submit materials to you. In this case, once they take the initiative to contact you, no matter what you are doing, you must stop, read their materials carefully, and then communicate with them immediately. Otherwise, this type of student really needs a lot of energy to follow up.

The second point is work habits. At the beginning, I was confused about filling out the forms in the copywriting center. The densely packed forms really made me feel overwhelmed, but after I gained experience, I felt that this form must be filled out and filled in more carefully. Every time before I start working, the first thing I do is open this form and put it on the desktop. I will arrange my work plan for the whole day according to the progress of each student on it. And this form will also serve as a reminder for me. When there are more and more students to follow up, I can’t remember them by my own memory. Sometimes I remember them at the moment, but I will forget them the next day. So the form in the copywriting center must be filled out, which will really improve work efficiency to a great extent.

The third point I think is communication. My personal suggestion is that if the problem can be solved by voice communication, don’t use text. Text communication is actually very inefficient and has no emotional color. Sometimes I communicate with students in text for a long time, but in the end I talk about my own things and there will be many misunderstandings. But if I communicate by voice, you can hear the other party’s demands and my response very clearly, which will avoid many misunderstandings caused by unclear expression.

The last point, which cannot be called a skill, should be the unique advantage of the Wuhan team. Our post-production team consists of four teachers. The four of us can see each other just by looking up, and any problem can be solved face to face. In fact, the partners in the entire team have more or less similarities, and they will solve problems in a timely manner with a positive and optimistic attitude when facing problems. In such an atmosphere, it is difficult not to complete the work in hand.